This is the one in a series of blog posts in which I discuss some of the concepts and terminology that I forward in my writings,
including my new book Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive.
So in Excluded, I
introduce the term “gender artifactualism” to describe, “the tendency to conceptualize and depict
gender as being primarily or entirely a cultural artifact.”[p.117] Gender
artifactualist viewpoints are pervasive within feminist and queer activism, and
within the academic fields of Women’s/Gender Studies, Queer Theory, Sociology, certain
subfields of Psychology, and in the Humanities more generally.
I created the
term to make a distinction between the idea that gender is “socially
constructed” versus the idea that gender is “just a construct”—both of which
are common refrains within the aforementioned academic and activist settings,
but which imply very different things. As I put it in Excluded:
To have a social constructionist view of
gender (by most standard definitions) simply means that one believes that
gender does not arise in a direct and unadulterated manner from biology, but
rather is shaped to some extent by culture—e.g., by socialization, gender
norms, and the gender-related ideology, language and labels that constrain and
influence our understanding of the matter. By this definition, I am most
certainly a social constructionist. Gender artifactualists, on the other hand,
are typically not content to merely discuss the ways in which gender may be
socially constructed, but rather they discount or purposefully ignore the
possibility that biology and biological variation also play a role in
constraining and shaping our genders. Sometimes, even the most nuanced and
carefully qualified suggestions that biology may have some
influence on gendered behaviors or desires will garner accusations of
“essentialism” in gender artifactualist circles... [p.117-8]
Is gender artifactualism correct as a
Absolutely not. In
Chapter 13, “Homogenizing Versus Holistic Views of Gender and Sexuality,”
I thoroughly detail why gender artifactualism (along with its sparring partner
in the nature-versus-nurture debate, gender
determinism, which presumes that gender-related behaviors arise solely via
biology) is flat-out incorrect as a theory to explain why gender differences exist.
Instead, I forward a holistic perspective that acknowledges that shared
biology, biological variation, shared culture, and individual experience all
come together in an unfathomably complex manner to create both the trends as
well as the diversity in gender and sexuality that we see all around us. This
holistic perspective is completely compatible with the idea that gender is
socially constructed (i.e., shaped by socialization and culture), but
incompatible with the idea that gender is merely a social artifact (or in
activist parlance, “just a construct”).
Why bother debunking
gender artifactualism?
The prevalence
of gender artifactualist thinking within feminism and queer activism has led to
two major fallacies that have undermined these movements. The first is the idea
that gender artifactualist positions are inherently liberating, progressive,
and anti-sexist in contrast to gender determinism (which is why artifactualist
views are so often touted in these settings). However, as I point out in Excluded:
The truth of the matter is that gender artifactualism
can be used to promote sexist beliefs just as readily as gender determinism
can. For much of the twentieth century, Sigmund Freud’s hardline gender
artifactualist theories were used to pathologize queer people and to portray
girls and women as inferior to their male counterparts. Similarly, contemporary
feminists and queer activists are outraged by stories of intersex children
being subjected to nonconsensual genital surgeries, or gender-non-conforming
children being subjected to rigid behavior modification regimes, yet the
justification for these procedures is founded in the gender artifactualist
theories of psychologists like John Money and Kenneth Zucker, respectively. [p.145-146]
Indeed, I go on
to make the case that both gender
artifactualism and determinism have an “exception problem,” in that they focus
on explaining typical genders and sexualities (e.g., the preponderance of heterosexual,
gender-conforming people), yet “ to provide a reasonable explanation for
why so many of us gravitate toward various sorts of exceptional genders and
sexualities.”[p.147] As a result, both approaches can provide a rationale for
pathologizing gender and sexual minorities on the basis that we represent
“mistakes” or “developmental errors” of some kind.
The second
fallacy of gender artifactualist thinking goes something like this: If our gender
and sexual identities and behaviors arise solely as a result of culture, and
given that our culture is hierarchical and sexist, then we (feminists, queer
activists, people more generally) must simply unlearn these oppressive ways of
being that we were indoctrinated into, and instead “do” or “perform” our
genders in more liberating, subversive, and righteous ways. While this line of
reasoning might sound promising on the surface, in reality, it is often used to
condemn and police other people’s genders and sexualities:
After all, if gender and sexuality are entirely
social artifacts, and we have no intrinsic desires or individual differences,
this implies that every person can (and should) change their gender and sexual
behaviors at the drop of a hat in order to accommodate their own (or perhaps
other people’s) politics. This assumption denies human diversity and, as I have
shown, often leads to the further marginalization of minority and marked
groups. [p.134]
Granted, not all
gender artifactualists buy into this idea that we can readily change our genders
and sexualities in order to better conform to some political view or another.
But those who do will typically cite gender artifactualist mantras (e.g., “all gender is performance,” “gender is just a construct”)
in order to make their case. In Excluded,
I borrow Anne Koedt’s phrase ‘perversion of “the personal is the political” argument’ to discuss how this premise has been used repeatedly to police gender and
sexual expression within various strands of feminism over the years. In
contrast, the holistic approach that I forward accommodates gender and sexual
diversity both within our movements, as well as in the world more generally.
[note: If you appreciate this essay and want to see more like it, please check out my Patreon page]
[note: If you appreciate this essay and want to see more like it, please check out my Patreon page]