Wednesday, August 14, 2024

my Medium Day talk on Debates About Gender-Affirming Care and Trans Youth

Substack promotion image for my new essay. Background image is photo of a silhouetted girl and boy standing back to back. The text includes the title of the essay (Making Sense of Debates About Gender-Affirming Care and Trans Youth: a Virtual Talk and Resource Page) & weblink:
Happy to announce that I will be giving a virtual talk this Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 2–2:30pm Eastern time (11–11:30am Pacific) as part of Medium Day – you can register (for free) to watch it & the many other talks they have at

My talk is entitled Making Sense of Debates About Gender-Affirming Care and Trans Youth. In it, I will highlight the unconscious biases, unstated presumptions, and the underlying forces and dynamics that are driving the ongoing moral panic about this issue. Hopefully, the talk will provide audiences who are relatively new to this subject with the necessary background to make sense of these debates.

Since there is far too much to say about this subject, I made the above Resource Page, which includes links to over a dozen essays I've written related to this issue over the last 8 years. You can read it (no paywall) on Medium (at the link above) or on Substack. Please share widely and give it lots of claps and likes and such! 

I'm very proud of to have finally compiled all my writings on this important subject in one place, so that I (and perhaps you) can readily share it with others who have questions or concerns!

As always, this resource page was made possible by my Patreon supporters  – if you appreciate that I make pieces like this freely available online, please consider supporting me there!